Internet helps natural anti aging

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Using internet is good for brain functioning, discovered scientists from the California University of Los Angelis, quoted by BBC.
Search for information in Internet stimulates brain centers responsible for taking decisions and complicated thinking, says the research published in American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
The scientists think that the effect can even help natural anti aging by acting against physical changes connected with natural aging.
Activities which keep the brain active, such as crosswords and riddles, have been acknowledged to lower the negative effect of aging. To the list of these activities that work as natural anti aging helpers we can now add Internet.
The research is based on data from 24 volunteers aged 55-76 years, half of them actively using internet.

Anti aging through physical exercise

Saturday, November 22, 2008

If a you move enough and fit in the classification of physically active people, then from biological point of view, you are "saving" about 10 years of your real age. This is shown from a British medical research.
According to the authors of this research this is a "strong signal for the potential effect of regular movement" and they recommend "at least 30 minutes average intense movement (such as fast walking), at least 5 times a week". For the fans of more intense exercise (like jogging) this should be 20 minutes at least 3 times a week.
The British scientists have published the results of their observation on over 2400 people in the Archives of Internal Medicine magazine.
Their data shows that the benefits from physical exercise is found no matter other factors in life such as age, gender, BMI or social/economical position in society.
"People who move enough are different from those who lead a still life in many things. As a whole it could be said that biological aging of the first type is about 10 years less than their real age" make the conclusion the British scientists.

Skin aging - reasons and anti aging advice

Natural aging starts at the time we are born. It is coded in each and every of our cells. But the environment and the way of live can slow aging process or make it quicker. We are seeing 20 year old women with lines across the forehead, 30 year old with a net of wrinkles around the eyes and the upper lip, 50 year old with pain in the legs and feet. Sometimes the reasons for this may be genetic, but in most of the cases the roots are in the way of life.
Tha natural enemy of the skin is the sun. Not only at the beach, but even on ski slopes or when jogging. If there are marks of aging on a 30-40 year old woman, this is definately a sign that she has to avoid the sun the way the devil avoids crosses. UV rays go deep through the skin to its deepest layers and help the formation of free radicals. They are leaving their mark as wrinkles around the mouth and eyes and unpleasant dark spots - pigmentation. Cumulating destroyed elastin the skin starts to yellow and loosens. Think red lines start crawling through the face and the neck.
Skin damaged caused by the sun can be checked by comparing the skin with the one on your palms, which are rarely touched by sunlight. When a 30 year old woman looks 40, the sun is guilty as charged. Especially if the lady has a light and sensitive skin. If she smokes - this makes it even worse.
Can the skin be made younger again? Is there a natural anti aging process? There are some local methods which have the ability to structuraly regenerate the skin and make it look younger. An important part here is played by derivatives of Vitamin A and Ah acids . In dermatology they are used in high doses anti natural skin aging.
Skin is producing by itself a complete system for protection from free radicals, but exposing it to sun makes this system weaker. Delivering Vitamins E and A to the skin it can rebiuld its defence system. This is not happening for a day. Patience and care are needed. From the outside and the inside. Every single day! With vitamine wealthy food, lots of fruits, fresh vegetables and a lot of water. Tablets of vitamins also help as they are acting as anti-oxidants. The most important thing is healthy way of life - moderate meals and sport.
Good blood circulation always makes the skin look younger. This is why it is necessary to practice sport regularly and to hydrate our skin every day. Man's skin aging slower is just a myth. It's just that we are seeing men's wrinkles as a sign of wisdom, not age.

Natural anti-wrinkle massage

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Start by cleaning the face sking with toilette milk. If you don't have - here is how to make it:
Pour boiling water over 10 hazelnuts so you can peel them easily. Bray them on an wooden pounder, get them in a enamel utensil and pour 100ml rose water. After that you should filter the liquid through a lint. Clean your face with this natural toilette milk every morning and evening.
Lay olive oil on the face and start the anti-wrinkle massage. The most important thing is to do the right movements. Around the eyes with direction from the temple to the nose, under the arc of the eyebrows and finish again at the temple. (The cream around the eyes is put by lightly tapping your skin starting from the temple and directing to the nose). Forehead is massaged with movements from the middle to the hair. For the nose - from upper top to the tip. The chin should be massaged from the neck to the lips. For a smile without wrinkles massage gently from the ends of your mouth to the middle. Self-massage is good to be done 2-3 times a week for at least 3-4 minutes. For a faster effect you can alternate with proffesional massages in a cosmetic studio.

Wrinkles around the eyes, lips and forehead

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wrinkles, especially on the face can be seen even among young people. Their appearance is due to constant muscle contractions caused by making faces (smile, grin, look sad, blink). This is why fine lines are choosing the zone around the eyes, lips and forehead. Dehydration of the skin starts even deeper changes, which lessen the quantity of collagen and elastin. Creation of new cells is slowed down, tonus of the skin is weakened and it faints. There are different ways of non-natural anti aging correction of wrinkles: chemical peeling, fillers, plastic surgeries, etc. In case you are not a fan of painful and artificial beauty methods, you can use natural anti aging procedures as anti-wrinkle massages, proper anti-wrinkle cosmetics or you can even use this natural anti aging revolutionary product. Tune in for the next post containing natural anti aging toilette milk.

Order Natural Anti Aging HGH

Friday, November 14, 2008

HGH is a revolutionary Natural Anti Aging product. It is made of 100% natural herbs to help human body in producing human growth hormones.

These hormones will slow down and even reverse the biological process of aging.
You are over 40? Your face looks tired and there are just a little too many wrinkles? You wake up in the morning and feel tired, although you have slept a lot? You have a little more weight than normal? Your love life is no longer a vulcano but only a spark?

ATTENTION: It is now possible to reverse the natural aging process with Natural Certified HGH. This natural anti aging medicine is promising not only to make you live longer and enjoy life, but also to reverse the natural aging process.

Natural Anti Aging

Pros of Natural HGH:
Loose weight and reduce body fat
Boosting cholesterol levels
Making bones stronger and increase muscle mass
Makes the skin look better and the wrinkles go away
Restoring thin hair and helps new hair grow
Gives more energy
Makes you sleep better
Blood pressure is normal again
Improving functionality and restoring vital organs
Increasing sexual endurance, pleasure and desire
Improves sight, memory and the ability to focus
Natural anti aging!

HGH Anti Aging is an amazing scientific discovery which can bring you back youth and desire for life, which you once had.

HGH Natural Anti Aging supplement is made of 100% natural herbals. It DOES NOT contain any harmful chemicals and has NO unwanted side effects.

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